Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cloudy Days

I love cloudy days. When I lived in Seattle they were a dime and dozen and sunshine was a novelty. But those days are now reversed. I got up at 5:45am to go on a delicious bike ride. It was beautiful and not hot and sprinkled a bit. I looked down at my watch and was already 45 minutes into my ride and didn't even realize it. I love workouts like that...when time passes quickly.

Today I will be swimming a bit and then getting up early for a swim session with my group tomorrow. I am putting two days of workouts into one day because tomorrow mid-day I go to Salt Lake City for the 4th of July. Looking forward to seeing my family and cooler weather.

I always try to be out of town on the 4th of July. Last year I was in Australia running a marathon, the year before I was in Miami visiting my brother, the year before I was in Seattle visiting friends, and so on.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Heat Running Games

Last evening I met my running group at the track, or in our case, the baseball field because the track was being refurbished.

Because of the heat, the coach decided to play a running game of Scrabble. We'd run in circles and everytime we'd pass him, we'd get a letter that we'd then run to another team member who was trying to make words. As soon as she had a word, she'd give it to someone running who would bring it to the coach. Basically running in circles collecting letters is how the game was played.

It was a nice treat that let us forget about time and made me feel like I was 12 again at an elementary school field day.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Creepy man

So back in 2005 I had a creepy man that I met in a salsa dancing club find out where I worked, found out my phone number and found out my work email address. He kept calling, but I said no. Cut to today and I got three dozen red roses delivered to my office. I never ever get red roses and there is no one in my life who would be sending me red roses. They came with a name and a phone number. I thought my father was playing a joke on me, an expensive joke, but a joke all the same.

So I called him to say "ha ha, but thanks." He said they aren't from him.

So I googled the number and lo and behold, stalker is back. Creepy! People wonder why I stay single...because there are too many weird people out there. I haven't seen this guy since 2005. How would he find out where I worked and my address?

Monday, June 29, 2009


This weekend I endured a bike ride in 100+ temperatures and my water was scalding hot. I think I may have to do more loops and come back for cold water, not to mention go out earlier.

I had swim practice as well and the waters were cool and inviting. I was put into a group of 3, as the three of us swam at almost exactly the same pace. It certainly made me push harder to finish before them. I am just competitive that way, even when there is technically no competition.

It will be hard to train this weekend with the 4th of July. I am heading to Salt Lake City to enjoy some cooler weather, but will definitely be running. I'll enjoy the shopping of Park City and backyard BBQs without scalding heat.

I have to say I am loving all this Michael Jackson music being played throughout the airwaves and on television. So many of his songs I have forgotten.